SPA-M4-5-P-NBK Plastic Screw - Cross Recessed Pan Head Machine Screws - RENY made in Japan

Item: SPA-M4-5-P Made in Japan
Main Body: Plastic Screw
50 Screws
7-15days shipping
5-7 days shipping
Pack of 50 SPA-M4-5-P-NBK Plastic Screw
Cross Recessed Pan Head Machine Screws - RENY made in Japan

  • Electrical and electronic equipment, insulation and dew
  • condensation prevention for refrigerators and freezers, aquatic
  • applications, electrochemical plating, lightweight applications in
  • automobiles, aircrafts, and spacecrafts

  • Part Number M L D1 L1 Tension Rupture Load (N) Torsional Torque (N) QTY
    SPA-M4-5-p M4 5mm 7mm 2.6mm 1470 N 0.79 N 50